I must dedicate the launch of NOW SHE’S SAFE to my dear friend Paul Wharton. I only met Paul about a year or so ago, but he’s one of those people who, well for me at least, became an instant best friend. Maybe it’s the fact that we have Grey Gardens in common, or maybe it’s just that Paul is both fun and fashionable and FABULOUS, but he’s also one of the most kind and caring and empathetic human beings I’ve met. It’s because of Paul and a very specific breakfast conversation we had, where I confided in him about my childhood abuse…..well, let’s just say that conversation led to Paul opening my eyes and encouraging me to stop suffering and stop being silent about all the wrong that had been done to me and to FIND MY VOICE and to stand up for myself. 

It’s because of Paul and the way he spoke to me and helped me see things so clearly- that I could not stop thinking about it all the way home (we’d met on an influencer event in New York). As soon as I got home, I talked with my husband about our conversation and we decided to move forward. 

Because of Paul, I came alive again. Because of Paul, I found my voice. Because of Paul, I said ENOUGH, and now- with NOW SHE’S SAFE, I will help millions of other women do the same. 

Paul, thank you for being my friend and making such an impact on my life. Because now, through me, you are going to make an impact on the lives of millions of little girls and women. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and am so glad the Universe brought us together!

You can follow Paul on instagram by CLICKING HERE. And I strongly recommend buying all of his amazing books as they are collector’s pieces for real. 😉