Making 1 in 4 become NONE in 4.
The sad truth is that 1 out of 4 little girls in this country will be sexually abused before the age of 18. At least 91% of those abused are abused by someone that is known and trusted by the child and family. This makes speaking up and asking for help outrageously difficult. A young girl is already confused and traumatized about what is happening to her and likely doesn’t understand it all. More often than not, she is being bullied and threatened in some way, being told to not tell anyone or ELSE.
This is how the nightmare begins. When young girls are sexually abused and then threatened, their world turns upside down. They begin living in fear, guilt and shame. They withdraw and become isolated. This is often just the beginning of a lifetime of emotional, mental and physical side effects of the abuse that will continue unabated. All while their abuser moves on with zero consequences because no one spoke up.
I’ve learned from my own personal experience that you can’t just bury the trauma that happened to you as a child and move on. There is a MUST READ book called “The Body Keeps The Score” as well as another by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey titled “What Happened to You?” and they both discuss how unresolved and unprocessed childhood trauma can result in – later in life, or sometimes earlier in life- a host of physical ailments from heart disease to cancer to diabetes to obesity. Traumatized women are more likely to develop eating disorders, engage in high risk sexual behavior (which can result in STI’s and further sexual abuse) and more than 81% of women with substance abuse problems were sexually abused as children. (Statistics via Mayo Clinic and Helping as well as the CDC).
Here is what I know to be true. It is because this problem is not talked about that is has been allowed to GROW like a virus. When you consider that there are 42 MILLION adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse in this country-– just like me– that means, look around you- you know someone. You probably know A LOT OF WOMEN who have survived this horror – or maybe you too are a survivor. Maybe you too have kept this secret like I did my whole life and now you see that — you aren’t alone and — you deserve help and healing. That’s why I founded this organization.
The abuse of young girls CANNOT be allowed to continue. The healing for survivors and resources for them to be able to seek justice has to be made available. Lofty goals? Certainly. But what could be more WORTHY? Move on to our About Us page to hear my personal story and find out about our plans to make 1 in 4 become NONE in 4.
“In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.” Judith Lewis Herman